Health Stops and Drop-ins

You campus and local based health related services, including:

  • GP & Vaccinations | The Uni Doctor
  • Sexual Health Advice & Free Contraception
  • Drugs & Alcohol Advice & Support

GP & Vaccinations | The Uni Doctor

We recommend registering with a General Practitioner (GP) or doctor as soon as you arrive at Middlesex or the UK. GPs are often the first point of contact and can refer you to more specialist care should you need it.

You may choose to register with our partner GP, The Uni Doctor, to take advantage of their campus clinic days on Tuesdays and Fridays for GP services and vaccination clinics, location in the Access Centre (next to the café in the Sheppard Library).

The dates and times of these you can find on the UniHub Events Page. If you are moving from another GP in England, your new GP should have access to your previous health records.

The NHS has more information on getting medical care as a student. If you are an international student, visit the international students and healthcare page. You can register with some GPs such as The Uni Doctor before you arrive in the UK (if applicable), however you can decide to register with whichever GP you choose.

Drugs & Alcohol Advice & Support

Change, Grow, Live (CGL) are a national health and social care charity who can help you with challenges with drugs and alcohol.

They’ll have drop-in clinics on campus in Sunny Hill House (across the car park on that side of the Williams Building), every Friday 12:30pm - 2pm

The full list of dates and times can be found on the UniHub Events Page

Sexual Health Advice & Free Contraception

The C-Card is for young people (under 25) to access FREE condoms in designated outlets. Once registered you can collect condoms or get advice.

The C-Card scheme is easy, free and confidential.

MDX C-Card Outlets:

- MDXSU Welcome Desk

- Sabel Pharmacy

Sexual Health with Brook

Learn about sexual health with Brook - sexual health charity. Hosted by your MDXSU Officer and Women’s Liberation Group representative.

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Wellness Hub Community Events

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