
There are many opportunities for you to get involved with the Wellness Hub, from delivering workshops, producing content, organising events, starting new initiatives and hosting a podcast. There’s lots of ways for your to develop your skills on topics that you’re interested in! Have a look below for some inspiration on how you might like to get involved.

Awareness Days

If you are interested in developing an activity/project related to any upcoming awareness periods, then click the Get Involved button below so we can develop your vision together.

Disability History Month

December 2023

December 1-9th

December 2-8th

January 2024

6 February 2024

February 2024

World Aids Day/HIV Testing Week

National Grief Awareness Week

Dry January

Time To Talk Day

LGBT History Month+

Are you a Student Leader?

Organic Semi-lined Student Council Election Debate

If you’re a Sports Captain, Society Leader, Resident Assistant, Student Learning Assistant, Student Voice Leader, then we need your help!

Student leaders play a big role in student wellbeing, often acting as organic support networks for students and we want to help you do that by provided support and resources.

We’re also keen to work with you if you have any ideas around podcast, events, workshops, content or activities relating to wellbeing. Or maybe you already have an event relating to wellbeing, share it with us and we’ll promote it.

Here’s some ideas you may want to consider:

Student Learning Assistants

Workshops, Podcasts, Events, Articles or Content etc. on:

Reflective learning, employability skills (CV, personal statement writing), time management, procrastination, work-life balance, study tips, common struggles in education, wellbeing

Society Leaders

Workshops, Podcasts, Events, Articles or Content etc. on:

A day in the life of a president, societies presidents show, highlight the benefits of being part of a society, societies gameshow/competition

Sports Captains

Example of what you could do?

Workshops, Podcasts, Events, Articles or Content etc. on:

A day in the life of a captain, getting to know the team, sports captains video podcast, highlight the benefits of being part of a sports team, sport teams gameshow/competition

Upcoming Campaigns

The university run lots of campaign throughout the year which you may want to play a part in. Have a look at the following campaigns as see if there’s anything that excites you:

  • Winter Guide | Dec- Webpage full of content focussed on supporting students throughout the winter break
  • January Welcome | Jan - Focussed on welcoming new students to campus. What things do you think they need to know that you wish you knew?
  • Refresh Fair | Feb - Welcoming continuing students back to campus. Maybe there’s something that’s made your university experience great which you may want to share with others.
  • Brit Challenge | Feb - An activity focussed UK wide challenge. Join MDX for the BRIT 2023 Challenge and raise awareness and funds for student mental health throughout the UK.
Clean Expressive Women Planning Their Schedule
Modern Mixed Media Woman Doing Yoga

Wellbeing Partners

Our wellbeing stakeholders can support by:

  • Writing an articles with students
  • Being a guest on a video podcast to answer questions and talk about their specialist subject area(s)
  • Being a panellist at a wellbeing event
  • Running activities as part of an event - e.g. educational game
  • Providing physical or digital resources with advice
  • Delivering workshops (online or on campus)
  • Running a programmes of activities

And much more!

  • Beat
  • Nafsiyat
  • New Citizens' Gateway
  • Young People Thrive, CBPlus
  • Change, Grow, Live
  • Young Barnet Foundation
  • UniDoc - Premier Medical Centre
  • Brook - Sexual Health Clinic
  • Sabel Chemist Ltd
  • Barnet Public Health
  • Barnet Mencap
  • Body and Soul Charity
  • Listening Place
  • The Coves
  • The Sanctuary
  • Good Thinking
  • Papyrus
  • Samaritans
  • Mental Health Foundation
  • The Calzy Foundation C.I.C.
  • Andy's Man Club
  • Solace Women’s Aid
  • Kooth
  • Scared? So What?
  • Young Adults Pathways
  • Volunteering Barnet / Groundwork London
  • British Heart Foundation
  • Autism Service
  • Breast Cancer UK
  • Jami

Wellness Areas

Based on the different areas of wellness, the Wellness Hub community of students, staff and wellbeing organisations, create events, content and resources to support you along your university journey.

Social Wellness

Performing social roles effectively and comfortably and relating with others to create a support network.


Arts & Crafts Workshops, Study Buddy Sessions, Pen Pal, Societies, Games Days, How to make: soaps, gels, fragrances, Social Walks

Spiritual Wellness

The ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of the environment that surrounds us.


Meditation Practices, Yoga Events On Campus & Online, Digital Detox Campaign, Values and Purpose Workshop, Promote Campus Religious Groups

Physical Wellness

The ability to maintain a healthy quality of life without undue fatigue or physical stress.


Healthy Habits Challenges, TikTok Dance Challenges, Promote Facilities, Daily Steps Challenge, Promote Fitness Apps

Financial Wellness

The ability to identify your relationship with money and skills in managing resources. An intricate balance of the mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of money.


How to Shop Cheap Content, Promote Welfare Services, Uni Days, Cooking on a budget content, Promoting Student Discount providers

Emotional Wellness

The ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring.


Journaling Workshop, Daily Affirmation, Habit Tracking, Wellbeing Apps, Guided Meditation Playlists, Inspirational Quotes and Stories

Intellectual Wellness

The ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can be applied to personal decisions, group interaction and community betterment.


Book Clubs, Learning How to Learn Workshop, Podcast Day, Time Management Workshop, Procrastination Workshop, Trivia Evening

Environmental Wellness

The ability to recognize our own

responsibility for the quality of the

environment that surrounds us.


UN Sustainability Goals Workshop, How to grow your own Food, Campaign on being sustainable on campus, Making sustainable products

Occupational Wellness

The ability to get personal fulfilment from our jobs or chosen career fields while still maintaining balance in our lives.


A day in the life of: Student Staff, Posture & Exercises at a Desk, Work-life balance workshop, Employability workshops


Here are some examples of content you could create with us. Click on the carousel images to see the full posts.




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Wellness Hub Community Registration

Calendar and Time

See current Wellness Hub Community events and workshops:

Wellness Hub Community Events

Promoting ideas and work

Got an idea? Want to work with us and learn new skills? Then get involved:

Wellness Hub Community | Get Involved

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