Wellness Categories

Based on the different areas of wellness, the Wellness Hub community of students, staff and wellbeing organisations, create events, content and resources to support you along your university journey.

Social Wellness

Performing social roles effectively and comfortably and relating with others to create a support network.


Arts & Crafts Workshops, Study Buddy Sessions, Pen Pal, Societies, Games Days, How to make: soaps, gels, fragrances, Social Walks

Spiritual Wellness

The ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of the environment that surrounds us.


Meditation Practices, Yoga Events On Campus & Online, Digital Detox Campaign, Values and Purpose Workshop, Promote Campus Religious Groups

Physical Wellness

The ability to maintain a healthy quality of life without undue fatigue or physical stress.


Healthy Habits Challenges, TikTok Dance Challenges, Promote Facilities, Daily Steps Challenge, Promote Fitness Apps

Financial Wellness

The ability to identify your relationship with money and skills in managing resources. An intricate balance of the mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of money.


How to Shop Cheap Content, Promote Welfare Services, Uni Days, Cooking on a budget content, Promoting Student Discount providers

Emotional Wellness

The ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring.


Journaling Workshop, Daily Affirmation, Habit Tracking, Wellbeing Apps, Guided Meditation Playlists, Inspirational Quotes and Stories

Intellectual Wellness

The ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can be applied to personal decisions, group interaction and community betterment.


Book Clubs, Learning How to Learn Workshop, Podcast Day, Time Management Workshop, Procrastination Workshop, Trivia Evening

Environmental Wellness

The ability to recognize our own

responsibility for the quality of the

environment that surrounds us.


UN Sustainability Goals Workshop, How to grow your own Food, Campaign on being sustainable on campus, Making sustainable products

Occupational Wellness

The ability to get personal fulfilment from our jobs or chosen career fields while still maintaining balance in our lives.


A day in the life of: Student Staff, Posture & Exercises at a Desk, Work-life balance workshop, Employability workshops

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Wellness Hub Community Events

Promoting ideas and work

Got an idea? Want to work with us and learn new skills? Then get involved:

Wellness Hub Community | Get Involved

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